Health Information Exchange and Healthcare Interoperability
Savannah Informatics was issued with a sub-award from the Abt Associate led USAID/SHOPS Projects in 2014. Savannah Informatics explored the use of an electronic data interchange (EDI) to automate the transfer of invoice billing information through electronic claims (eClaims) from providers to insurers. The EDI technology streamlined the reporting of HIV services, decreased the cost of insurance by improving administration and improved the procurement and management of commodities. Slade360 EDI has currently achieved full commercial status with 7 private insurers and over 2,500 medical service providers within Kenya, cumulatively serving over 1.2M insured members. To provide unique patient identification and prevent fraud and abuse, Savannah developed and rolled out, SladeID which provides card and biometric (fingerprint) authentication at the point of service. Savannah has expanded the use of mHealth and access to Slade360 EDI through the Be.Well platform. The Be. Well app offers a digital card, telemedicine, appointments reminders, patient engagement and coaching tools and drug and investigation orders and deliveries. Furthermore, Savannah, in collaboration with GSMA (GSM Alliance), Safaricom (Kenya’s largest telecommunications provider) and other partners, has developed a USSD-based solution, AfyaMoja (one health), which is used to provide a unique patient identity solution using mobile phone numbers enabling portability of health records across multiple providers and service points. Savannah has unparalleled access to robust patient-level data via eClaims lines and diagnosis utilizing internationally agreed upon coding terminologies and standards. Savannah’s Data Science Practice is implementing machine learning approaches to design health insurance products, develop fraud flagging algorithms and improve health outcomes for the insured population.