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Savannah Informatics Limited (Savannah), is a clinician-led health informatics company delivering innovative and interoperable healthcare solutions to improve access to affordable quality healthcare. Savannah is privately owned and has an established footprint and operating base in Kenya with over 140 employees, majority of whom are informatics professionals. Savannah has operating experience across all 47 counties in Kenya and its Slade360 EDI platform has presence in over 2,500 hospitals, both private and public. Savannah Informatics manages a portfolio of projects with booked contracts totaling $13.9M from payors and providers. Savannah is a founding member of the Kenya Health Informatics Association (KeHIA) and has representation on the Kenya Bureau of Standards Technical Committee for Health Informatics Standards. In addition, Savannah has regular representation on MOH’s Standards and Guidelines, and eHealth technical working groups (TWG). At an international level, Savannah supports the Open HIE movement across the implementation of various product registries. Savannah's game-changing online healthcare interoperability and data exchange platform, Slade360 EDI, interconnects payors, funders, providers, and patients. With Savannah’s experience across payer, provider, consumer and government markets, Savannah aspires to support integration of various donor-funded technologies in the public and private sectors, optimize interoperability and support the use of mobile phone-based identities to complement government ones with the goal of supporting unique patient identification. Savannah has undertaken a mix of private and public sector projects in the digital healthcare space.
Our Work
Digital Health Landscape Scoping & Innovation Funding support
The International Financing Corporation (IFC) / World Bank TechEmerge Program:
IFC established the TechEmerge Program in 2015. IFC’s global presence in more than 100 countries, a network of more than 2,000 private sector clients, and connections with key industry players and technical experts gives it unique access and insight into its development partners and can create opportunities where there are needed most. IFC TechEmerge program has the objective of supporting the adoption of new health technology in Africa with the dual goals of improving healthcare delivery and improving patient outcomes.

Health Information Exchange and Healthcare Interoperability
Savannah Informatics was issued with a sub-award from the Abt Associate led USAID/SHOPS Projects in 2014. Savannah Informatics explored the use of an electronic data interchange (EDI) to automate the transfer of invoice billing information through electronic claims (eClaims) from providers to insurers. The EDI technology streamlined the reporting of HIV services, decreased the cost of insurance by improving administration and improved the procurement and management of commodities. Slade360 EDI has currently achieved full commercial status with 7 private insurers and over 2,500 medical service providers within Kenya, cumulatively serving over 1.2M insured members.
National Digital Health Platforms and Infrastructure
In 2015 Abt Associates worked with Savannah Informatics to design and implement the second version of the web-based Kenya Master Health Facility List ( Savannah also participated in the PEPFAR supported AfyaInfo technical working group meetings covering the following: 1) integration of the Kenya Master Health Facilities List Version 2 with other regulators systems and DHIS2 (MOH TWGs 2015), 2) definition and publishing of Kenya’s Health Enterprise Architecture (MoH, 2015) and 3) development of Kenya’s Standards and Guidelines for eHealth Systems Interoperability (MoH, July 2015).

Disease registries, program management and business intelligence in infectious and non-communicable diseases
AstraZeneca Healthy Heart Africa (HHA) project:
HHA was launched in Kenya in October 2014 with the goal of reaching 10 million hypertensive patients across Africa in the next ten years. Savannah developed and rolled out a clinical data registry that enables deidentification of data for national-level reporting, automated real time data analytics and M&E support across various parameters. In September 2016, PEPFAR and AstraZeneca embarked on a partnership to integrate HIV and hypertension testing and treatment primarily among men in Africa. Savannah Informatics developed digital systems for recording of HIV screening, tracking of linkage for both hypertension and HIV.
Program management, business intelligence and case-based surveillance for infectious diseases
The University of Nairobi and Savannah Informatics are recipients of $20M funding to implement the Fahari ya Jamii (FYJ) project. FYJ is a five-year project funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The project aims to increase equitable access and use of quality county-led health services and support sustainability in the quality of health services and systems in Nairobi and Kajiado Counties. FYJ implements tailored interventions that build the capacity of the national and county governments to plan, coordinate and manage high-quality, cost-effective HIV services that are readily accessible to those who need them.

Digital Health Platform for evidence based medicine
Clinical Practice Guidelines Indexing and Knowledge Base Management for the Ministry of Health:
Savannah Informatics has worked with the Kenyan Ministry of Health (MoH) Directorate of Health Standards, Quality Assurance and Regulation, alongside University Research Company and USAID in identifying, reviewing, updating, and grading the various clinical guidelines in use in the country. The project has enabled MoH own a national knowledge management portal in addition to the DHIS2 and MFL infrastructure.
Digital medical learning, education and collaboration platforms
Medical Learning Hub:
We have substantial experience in medical training across LMICs. MLH is a well-established product that members of our team have built from the ground up. In 2020, Medical Learning Hub served 70,000+registered learners, hosting more than 200 events with up to 3000 participants per event. In 2021 we had 90,000 registered users and 659 courses. In 2022, our registered user base is at 116,000+. In Kenya alone, we have over 30,000 registered HCPs. We offered 79 distinct courses in Kenya and 135 across Africa in 2021 with the numbers growing to 112 (Kenya) and 1052 (globally) by mid 2022. We have 12 institutions offering trainings in Kenya and 162 globally as at June 2022. We have partnerships with more than 50 associations and 60 academic centers have accelerated our ability to scale.